Israel it seems is not to blame for the faltering peace process, Like Usuals the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Israel is a jewish state and is recognised as such , apparently the PLO recognises Israel, and all the israeli side asked for was to recognise that it is a Jewish State, Yet Abbas the head of the so-called moderate PLO cant bring himself to recognise israel as a jewish state, what basis for the peace process now, this is latent anti-semitism , why cant the Jews have a State Mr Abbas?.
The quotes are from my weekly Conservative Friends Of Israel Email:Abbas: “I do not accept the Jewish State”
· Palestinian Authority president and Fatah chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated unequivocally Monday that he does not accept the Jewish state.
· "I say this clearly: I do not accept the Jewish State, call it what you will," he said at a preliminary conference of the Palestinian Youth Parliament in Ramallah.
· At the end of the conference, Abbas was presented with a large framed map of "Palestine," covering the entire area of Israel.
- So this supposed moderate it seems is no better than Hamas.
An article on this can be seen at Palestinian Media Watch